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  1. 投資家はどこにいて、投資先はどこにある?
  2. 投資先の国の外国人に対する投資規制や税制を考える
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“ケイマン諸島にファンドを作って後悔した、って話を最近よく聞くけど、なんで相談してくれなかったの?という件” の続きを読む

The Waterfront Restaurant & Terrace, Radisson Blu Waterfront Jersey, Jersey

And I was also back to Jersey, after almost two years of missing reasons for visit.  Thanks to local financial service industry, relatively wealthy but small and calm island has been stayed as it has been, while I recognised some bit small changes here and there in the town of St. Helier.  But, a big surprise is with my favourite hotel in Jersey, for its renewed restaurant as appearance.
But, they keep serving their pride of “Super Breakfast”, and free range eggs for my omelette.  And they also keep serving the same omelette, no seamless rugby football one, yet.  Of Jersey, nothing has changed in principal 🙂

Radisson BLU Waterfront Jersey, St. Helier, Jersey

And, I at last came back to Jersey, Channel Islands after 18 months of missing, due to a big fact that a year 2012 was an Olympic year in London so that I was anticipated not to work once I came to U.K. so that my smart boss prohibited to come to UK.

After 18 months, I saw many changes in London, and even Jersey too.

My second home in Jersey, Radisson BLU Waterfront Jersey got a big blue sign on the top of the building, replaced its fitness operator, etc., but their pride of “Super Breakfast” remains as it is.

But….  as you saw above, omelette shapes different from what we saw before that I suppose you agree when you saw my past article.  I would say here, innovative shape, however, I wonder if it is comparable with other omelettes around the world…  Let’s see how they tweet back to this article.

Radisson Blu Waterfront Jersey, Jersey

As you, the reader of this blog, know, there are several aspect I see with omelet, appearance which comes from how to cook, texture and taste, and I have been telling in the past articles that “seamless, round-shaped like rugby football” is one of the benchmark, and I could not hide my somehow disappointment with “three-folded” ones, as this should also lead relatively chewy, or to say not softened texture, while seamlessly rounded provides you juicy, half-cooked egg york with very softened texture thanks to many layered sheets of softly cooked and heated egg york like Mille fille.

Yes, I am great believer of seamless rounded omelet, so this time I got surprised with this; even two-folded, but texture was solely as expected to rounded one! Take out your perception…

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